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NJ Community Schools Coalition 3rd Convening

Moving the Community Schools Model Forward in NJ

Friday, October 20, 2017

Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy of Rutgers University

8:45-9:30          Sign in, Coffee/Light Fare

9:30-9: 50        Welcome/Keynote

9:50-10:15         Convening Address: The Community Schools Model in Other States

                               Mary Kingston Roche, Director of Public Policy, Coalition for Community Schools

10:15-10:35        Convening Address 2: The Current Environment for Community Schools in NJ

10:35-10:50      Break-- Coffee

10:50-11:40       Legislative Support & Strategy

                              Moderator: Jennifer Keyes-Maloney, Assistant Director of Government Relations, NJ Principals & Supervisors                                                                Association

                              NJ State Senator Teresa Ruiz, 29th Legislative District; Chair, NJ Senate Education Committee; Member, Senate                                                            Budget & Appropriations Committee; Member, Select Committee on School Funding Fairness

                              NJ Assemblywoman Marlene Caride, 36th Legislative District; Chair, NJ Assembly Education Committee

                              NJ Assemblywoman Mila Jasey, 27th Legislative District; Chair, Higher Education Committee; Member, Assembly                                                            Education Committee; Member, Joint Committee on the Public Schools

                              NJ Assemblywoman Angela McKnight, 31st Legislative District; Member, Assembly Education Committee

                              NJ Assemblywoman Patricia Egan Jones, 5th Legislative District; Member, Assembly Education Committee

11:40-12:30        Social Justice

                               Dr. Keith Benson, President, Camden Education Association

                               Ronsha A. Dickerson, National Organizer, Journey for Justice Alliance and Co-Founder, Camden Parents Union

12:30-1:00         Lunch/Networking

1:00 - 2:00        Breakout Session (choose one)
                                Evaluation & the Most Appropriate Use of Data

                                   Andrea Hetling, Associate Professor and Director, Program in Public Policy, Rutgers University

                                   Stuart Roe, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Counselor Education, The College of New Jersey


                                Healthy Schools

                                   Moderator: Jerell Blakeley, Campaign Organizer Healthy Schools Now Coalition and Work Environment Council                                       of New Jersey

                                   Diana Crowder, Industrial Hygiene Consultant, NJ Work Environment Council 

                                   Deborah Cornavaca, Field Representative in Organizational Development, New Jersey Education Association

                                   Michael Rollins, Organizational Development Consultant, New Jersey Education Association                             

                               Parent & Community Involvement

                                    Gilman Choudhury, Community Outreach & Special Projects Coordinator, Department of Family & Community     

                                                             Engagement,  Paterson Public Schools 

2:00-2:15           Break-- Coffee

2:15-3:15             Funders' Perspective: Community Schools as Component of Placemaking and Community Development                                                         Moderator: Bryan Murdock, Director, Center for Community Engagement, Montclair State University

                                Mateus Baptista, Program Officer, Victoria Foundation

                                Diane Hagerman, Deputy Director of Programs, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's NJ Health Initiatives Program

                                Melissa Litwin, Program Officer, The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation

                                Liz Warner, Director, K-12 Education Initiatives, Co-Director, School Culture and Climate Initiative, Convener, New                                                        Jersey School Health and Climate Coalition, United Way of Northern New Jersey

3:15-3:30           Break

3:30-4:00         Next Steps for Community Schools in NJ

4:00-5:00         Networking over wine & cheese

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